Wednesday, April 20, 2005

[Part 1] The Beginning of It All

Mike and I had been best friends for who knows how long. I remember in 6th grade how I realized I was flirting with him, and finally stopped lying to myself. Back then, I didn't mind at all that I liked someone, but after four years of it kept a secret, it has almost eaten my heart alive. I was stabbed in the heart whenever Mike told me of his crushes on other girls and whatnot. I did crush on people besides Mike, but very little. Mike was always on my mind. I wrote poems of my feelings: how my heart ached and how my mind numbed near him.

But I never told him who the poems were about. He never asked if it was about him. He didn't love me is what I've told myself all these years.

He's been going out with the whore Beth for more than a week now. My heart breaks everytime I see them together. Mike wouldn't listen whenever I tell him that Beth is using him. He would always say the same thing: "Do you expect me to believe that, Sera?" I never said anything. I just walked off whenever he said that. My heart would shatter if I said anymore.


Sorry it's completely short, but this is the introduction, mainly. Not all of the story is written like this, just so you know. The story does get dark later on, though. So just wait...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could tell you relationships will get easier or better as you get older....But, in my opinion, the reality is they won't. Love, relationships, and the complexities of them elude us all.

Enjoy the Good AND the Bad of what you feel right now because when you look back on it, you are going to long for those times....I know I do.

Best of luck.

6:43 PM  
Blogger Megan said...

Oh, yea. It has been a week, hasn't it?

7:43 PM  

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