Monday, May 30, 2005


I'm not even going to bother with censoring words anymore. Why? Because it takes time finding the words and censoring them, as I don't do it while I write the paper. The stars just look wrong. I don't like stars in my writing. Also, because when I do censor them, I miss words that I should censor. I don't want to look at the page and go "D'oh!! I missed another one!" I'm going to uncensor the words, because, once again, the stars look wrong. I like WORDS uncensored (words, people.... get your heads out of the gutter!!!), for some reason. It just looks better without all the weird symbols in the writing. OK?! Is that fine with you people? If you have a problem with the profanity, then you shouldn't be reading this story at all. Seriously, people.

ALSO, I would REALLY like it if people told me what they think of the story. So far, anyway. I want to know what needs work, what I should change... things like that. PLEASE COMMENT PEOPLES!!!!


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